Sasha Stepchuk

Sasha Stepchuk

When she started with us, Sasha worked in the quality control department sending out samples and preparing cuppings. Soon, with her excellent management and organizational skills and her facility with Ukrainian and Russian, she added logistics support for clients in Europe and beyond and sales for clients from Ukrainian- and Russian-speaking countries to her daily duties.

Sasha’s most incredible coffee experience to date was when tasting Ethiopian naturals for the first time. It was like “a whole new world,” she says, “a 180-degree difference.”

For Sasha, who immigrated to Belgium from Ukraine with her husband a few years ago, working with Sucafina Specialty makes “it easier to feel at home here [in Belgium].” She loves the work environment because there’s “space for growth [and] initiative” and her coworkers feel more like family or close friends than simply coworkers.

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