
KongQue FW

In China, it's believed that KongQue, the peacock, brings good fortunes to the families whose land he nests on. Trust KongQue to lead you to the right place, like our Sucafina Originals KongQue blend, and you’ll be sure to find the beautiful cup and consistent taste of this high-quality coffee from Yunnan, China. KongQue is uniform and balanced, with a strong sweetness, body and acidity.

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Fully washed
1,400 to 1,600 meters above sea level
Farm Size:
Small to medium sized farms
Harvest Months:
October - March

About This Coffee

Get exceptional value at affordable prices with our KongQue Fully washed.  Our KongQue is capable of standing alone as a single origin offering, and also dynamic enough to work in a blend.

In China, it’s believed that KongQue, the peacock, brings good fortunes to the families whose land he nests on. Trust KongQue to lead you to the right place, like our Sucafina Originals, and you’ll be sure to find the beautiful cup and consistent taste of this high-quality coffee from Yunnan, China. In the cup, KongQue is uniform and balanced, with a strong sweetness, body and acidity.

Our KongQue blend showcases the incredible potential of Yunnan, a relatively novel coffee region.   Most people—even coffee professionals—have not encountered coffee from Yunnan, so our KongQue blend is a unique opportunity to present customers with something entirely new.

Yunnan is poised to be a consistent and reliable supplier of clean, balanced coffees. Most coffee in Yunnan travels through Pu’er where most dry mills are concentrated. That’s why we know it’s the best place for our office and QC lab. From our offices and lab, we orchestrate our Yunnan coffee supply, including this Fully washed Sucafina Orignals KongQue blend.

Our KongQue is a balanced Fully washed coffee with a mild acidity, medium chocolate body and smooth sweetness.

On top of its physical qualities, don’t forget that there’s power behind this blend’s story. With a globalized world and access to so much information at our fingertips, novelty is at premium these days. Most people—even coffee professionals—have not encountered coffee Yunnan, making this coffee a unique opportunity to present customers with something entirely new.


Our experienced QC team selects coffees grown by small to medium sized farmers in higher-altitude villages in Yunnan.

Harvest & Post-Harvest

All cherry is selectively handpicked. Like the coffee in this blend, 95% of all coffee produced in Yunnan is Fully washed. Most producers have their own wet mills. Those who don’t sell their cherry to coyotes who either process it themselves or sell to wet mills. Most producers sell to commercial dry mills that sell coffee to exporters or domestic roasters.

Sucafina China

Despite not being well known for coffee production, Yunnan has the ideal conditions for specialty coffee production. We are building an increasing number of coffee projects as our presence in Yunnan increases. We see a lot of potential producer-partners who have previously sold their coffees to blenders. With some investment in training and infrastructure, a lot of hard work and a strong quality control system, we just know that coffee producers in Yunnan can shine.

Coffee in China

The majority of coffee produced in China is grown in the Yunnan Province in western China. Our operations in the country are young, but through our partnerships and our Yunnan-based lab and wet & dry mills, we are able to offer a range of great value coffees that display uniformity and consistent profiles.

Sucafina has a lab, office, wet mill and dry mill  in the heart of Munaihe, just outside of Pu’er. This small village is where most of the key traders and dry mills in Yunnan are based. We have a small but very experienced team who are committed to delivering coffees to the high quality and ethical standards of Sucafina.

The Yunnan team has worked to develop specific products to represent Yunnan coffees for Sucafina. These products span a quality and value range to allow for a dynamic offering to our clients. In a market where consistency has not always been a focus, we are excited by this opportunity to deliver reliable, quality coffees to our customers.

We have a strong local partnership with a company that enables our in-country financing, logistics and navigation of Chinese trade.

We also looking at China as a destination market and are working on establishing a position within China selling to domestic roasters.

Yunnan is a beautiful part of the world that offers many opportunities for coffees, both as unique offerings as well as making certain blends—such as washed milds—more robust & dynamic. We welcome anyone to come visit & explore what Yunnan has to offer.

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